EMDR研究 第3巻 第1号 2011年5月


エンボディされた自己に向けて 〜EMDRと身体的介入,自我状態療法の統合〜(前編)
Sandra Paulsen and Ulrich Lanius 著, 大澤智子, 菊池安希子 ……………… p3
天野玉記*1, 市井雅哉*2,十一元三*3 ……………… p19
抄録:眼球運動による脱感作および再処理法(EMDR)は,一般的には心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対する治療法として知られているが,海外ではペインコントロール技法としても用いられている。痛みの強さは痛覚受容器における損傷の大きさのみと比例するのではなく,情動,注意,意思などの心理状態により痛覚感度が変化するといわれ,神経心理学的なペインコントロールの研究が進んでいる。EMDRは神経心理学的な技法の1つと考えられることより,痛みの発症因に関係なくペインコントロールの効果をもたらす可能性が考えられる。そこで,糖尿病性壊疽疼痛,関節リウマチ性疼痛,癌性疼痛という発症因の異なる3種類の慢性疼痛に対してEMDRのペインコントロール技法を実施した。具体的な手技として,肯定的な過去の記憶や安全感をイメージさせたまま左右交互の連続タッピングを施行した。その結果,いずれの症例においても疼痛は大きく緩和され,患者自身のペインコントロール能力を高めることができた。以上より,EMDRは疼痛に共通する心理状態に作用することによりペインコントロールの効果をもたらすと考えられた。 EMDR研究,3 ; 19-25, 2011

キーワード: 緩和ケア,ペインコントロール,眼球運動による脱感作と再処理法(EMDR),左右交互の連続タッピング,肯定的記憶

A clinical study on EMDR pain control technique using
bilateral alternative tapping stimulation

Tamaki Amano*1, Masaya Ichii*2, Motomi Toichi*3

 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is generally known as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but it is also known as a pain control technique in the West. The severity of the pain does not always correspond to the degree of damage in the pain receptor, and it is also influenced by psychological conditions, such as emotion, attention and intention of the individual. The study of neuropsychological pain control has been progressing. If EMDR is regarded as a neuropsychological therapeutic option, it could have an effect on pain control regardless of the cause of the pain. EMDR was applied to the patients with diabetic gangrene pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer pain. Continued bilateral tapping stimulation was applied while the patients were instructed to hold some positive memory or any images that could bring them sense of safety and comfort. As a result, all the patients showed significant decrease in pain level and negative emotions related to the pain, and they also showed significant increase in their ability to control the pain.The result suggests that EMDR is effective in controlling pain of different causes because of its effect on psychological conditions, which are common in all types of pain. Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 3 ; 19-25, 2011

Key words:Pain control, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), continued bilateral tapping stimulation, positive memory

*1 Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management, University of Hyogo. 954-2, Nojimatokiwa, Awaji-shi, Hyogo, 656-1726 Japan.
*2 Center for Research on Human Development and Clinical Psychology, Hyogo University of Teacher Education.
*3 School of Health Sciences, Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine.

吉川久史*1,市井雅哉*2 ……………… p26
EMDR研究,3 ; 26-39, 2011


Experimental studies on effects of eye movements on memory retrieval

Hisafumi Yoshikawa*1, Masaya Ichii*2

 The effects of eye movements have been demonstrated in the growing body of studies. This article reviews the experimental studies based on the theoretical models that explain the effects of eye movements. Working memory model shows that eye movements reduce the vividness and emotional impact of images as the result of disruption in the function of working memory, due to perception tasks including eye movements are performed while the memories are held in mind. Interhemispheric interaction model demonstrates that horizontal eye movements facilitate retrieving memories more accurately by increased interhemispheric brain activity. Investigatory reflex model shows that eye movements reduce physiological arousal with deep relaxation induced by eye movements, though it is still controversial. The limitation of each models and the relation among these three models were discussed, including the variable of ‘distancing’, in terms of how eye movements affect unpleasant memories. Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 3 ; 26-39, 2011

Key words:eye movements, working memory, interhemispheric interaction, investigatory reflex, distancing

*1 The joint Graduate School in Science of School Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education. 942-1, Shimokume, Kato-shi, Hyogo, 673-1494 Japan.
*2 Center for Research on Human Development and Clinical Psychology, Hyogo University of Teacher Education.

編集規定/執筆要領 ……………… p40
投稿票 ……………… p43
日本EMDR学会設立の経緯/入会のお誘い ……………… p44
日本EMDR学会会則 ……………… p49
編集後記 ……………… p52
