EMDR研究 第6巻 第1号 2014年5月
仁木啓介* ……………… p3
EMDR研究,6 ; 3-17, 2014
キーワード: 性被害,PTSD,EMDR,編み込み,安定化,対処行動,二次的外傷性ストレス,司法
Understanding of and Approaches to Sexual Abuse
Keisuke Niki*
The authors aimed to present the actual state of sexual abuse and discuss factors that affect the severity of trauma. Also presented are therapeutic approaches, points related to EMDR implementation, specific types of cognitive interweaving in EMDR, and acquisition of stress-coping strategies for those who were abused, as well as measures against secondary traumatic stress of the clinicians themselves.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 6 ; 3-17, 2014
Key words:sexual abuse, PTSD, EMDR, cognitive interweave, stabilization, stress-coping strategies, secondary traumatic stress, justice
*Niki Hearty hospital. 4-6-100 Thukide, Higashiku, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto, 862-0920 Japan.
辻容子*,市井雅哉* ……………… p18
EMDR研究,6 ; 18-28, 2014
キーワード: RDI(資源の開発と植え付け),認知症,BPSD,抑うつ・不安,自伝的記憶
The Effect of RDI on a Dementia Patient’s Emotional Regulation
Yoko Tsuji*, Masaya Ichii*
It is thought that RDI is effective in reducing negative feelings to the point that it promotes structurized positive reminiscence(life review). This research examined the effect on a dementia patients’ emotional regulation of RDI application.
The subjects had Alzheimer type dementia and seven subjects(four from the intervention group, three from the standby group) out of twenty-one scored six or more points on the GDS-S-J. When analyzed through two-way ANOVA, Between-Within design of 2 groups×3 measurement stages, the depressive feeling in the intervention group was reduced. The feeling of anxiety was also reduced and positive feelings were improved.
As for the standby group, an improvement in feeling was reported after intervention.
From these, it is considered that the intervention with RDI appears to be effective in emotional regulation. However, there were many cases in which the amount of change observed by the care workers and amount of change reported by patients did not correlate. Moreover, the effect was not seen in all the members and some rebounds in the effect of the intervention were also found.
Some modifications in protocol or method of evaluation seem to be required for RDI to be used as the intervention method applied to early-stage dementia patients.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 6 ; 18-28, 2014
Key words:RDI(Resource Development and Installation), dementia, BPSD, depression, anxiety, autobiographical memory.
* Center for Research on Human Development and Clinical Psychology, Hyogo University of Teacher Education. 942-1, Shimokume, Kato-shi, Hyogo, 673-1415 Japan.
吉川久史*1,市井雅哉*2 ……………… p29
EMDR研究,6 ; 29-42, 2014
キーワード: 眼球運動,ワーキング・メモリ,大脳半球交互作用,鮮明さ,感情の強さ
Effects of Eye Movement on Vividness, Emotionality and Recall of Negative Autobiographical Memory
Hisahumi Yoshikawa*1,Masaya Ichii*2
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between the effects of eye movements on the vividness and emotionality associated with negative autobiographical memory which is accounted by Working Memory Model, and the change of recollection following eye movements which is accounted by Interhemispheric Interaction Model. Twenty-four undergraduate school and graduate school students recalled their negative autobiographical memories whilst performing three eye movement conditions;horizontal eye movement condition, vertical eye movement condition, eye fix condition. Vividness and emotionality reduced in horizontal eye movement condition and vertical eye movement condition, and emotionality reduced more as the number of sets increased. The quality of memory recollection did not change positively in any conditions. These results support working memory account, and suggest that the increase of positive memory recall would not be related the reduction of vividness and emotionality of negative autobiographical memory.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 6 ; 29-42, 2014
Key words:eye movements, working memory, interhemispheric interaction, vividness, emotionality
*1 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine. 1-20-1 Handayama, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, 431-3192 Japan.
*2 Center for Researh on Human Development and Clinical Psychology, Hyogo University of Teacher Education.