EMDR研究 第5巻 第1号 2013年5月


特集 第1部 難しい子どもへのEMDR
Joan Lovett, MD 著, 小林正幸, 布施晶子 訳 ……………… p3
EMDRと子どもの解離の治療 ―「いやな気持ち出てこないで!」vs「いやな気持ちは大事な気持ち」―
大河原美以 ……………… p12
抄録:シンポジウムのテーマである「面接中の子どもの解離や抵抗をどう扱っていくか?」を検討するにあたって,小学校3年生の事例を紹介した。この事例の治療経過を通して以下の点を明らかにした。解離様式で適応している子どもは,両側性刺激により容易に解離障壁が壊れる。その結果ネガティヴ感情にさらされることは,子どもにとっては脅威なので,当然「抵抗」と思われるような反応を示す。このような場合,治療の目的はネガティヴ感情を感じたままでいられるようになることであり,一次解離せずにいやな気持ちを安心感によって制御する力をつけさせることになる。そのためには,家族を支援することによって,子どものネガティヴ感情を親が抱え,子どもに安心を与えられる関係性を回復することが必須となる。親にその力があるかどうかは,アセスメントにおいて重要な点である。子どもがネガティヴなものを表出したときの治療者の対応こそが,ネガティヴモードが存在していいものなのだと子どもが思えるかどうかに影響を与える。治療者は,抵抗をおそれる必要はなく,抵抗の意味をふまえて,面接構造の全体をみていくことが,EMDRを効果的に利用することにつながるといえる。 EMDR研究,5 ; 12-17, 2013

キーワード: 抵抗,解離,子どものEMDR

EMDR and Treatments for Child’s Dissociation
—“Don’t Come Out My Negative Emotion ! ” VS
“Your Negative Emotion is Very Important Feeling.”—

Mii Okawara*

A 9 year-old boy’s case was presented for discussion under the theme “EMDR For Children:How can We handle Children’s Dissociation or Resistance during interviews?” Through the therapeutic process of this case, the following was shown. Bilateral stimuli easily break the dissociative partition of the child who is adapting oneself by a style of dissociation. As a result, the child shows some reactions that can be regarded as a kind of resistance because it is a threat for the child to be exposed to negative emotion. In this case, the purpose of the treatment for the child is to be able to keep feeling the negative emotion, which means that the child can regulate the negative feelings by feeling safe without using primary dissociation. In order to do so, by supporting the family, to recover the relationship in which the parents can hold the child’s negative emotion and give him/her the feeling of safety becomes essential. The assessment of(the family system)and the ability of parents is very important. The therapist’s reactions to the expression of the child’s negative emotion affect whether the child can feel or not that his/her negative mode(ego state)may exist. Therapists should not be afraid of resistance but, understanding the meaning of resistance, keep watching the whole therapeutic system, and it will lead up to the effective usage of EMDR. Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 5 ; 12-17, 2013

Key words:Resistance, Dissociation, EMDR for Children

* Tokyo Gakugei University, Department of Educational Psychology. 4-1-1, Nukuikitamachi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, 184-8501 Japan.

杉山登志郎 ……………… p18
抄録:わが国の臨床で実施されている子どもへのEMDRについて概説を行った。一般的なトラウマ治療としてのEMDRについては,多重人格への自我状態療法の取り組みを紹介し,発達障害においてはとりわけ自閉症スペクトラム障害におけるタイムスリップ現象への応用を紹介し,チャンスEMDRなど,新たな技法について紹介を行った。 EMDR研究,5 ; 18-23, 2013


EMDR for Children : Treatment Procedures of Abused
Children and Developmental Disorders

Toshiro Sugiyama*

The author reported clinical use of EMDR for children in Japan. On prevailing EMDR therapy for trauma, the author referred to effects toward the ego-state therapy for(children with)multiple personality disorder. For children with developmental disorders, the author specifically mentioned EMDR applied to the time slip phenomenon in autism spectrum disorder. The chance EMDR,(which is a brief EMDR therapy for ASD)and several new techniques were also introduced.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 5 ; 18-23, 2013

Key words:EMDR for children, ASD, ego-state therapy, the time slip phenomenon

* Hamamatsu University School of Medicine. 1-20-1 Handayama, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, 431-3192 Japan.

特集 第2部 東日本大震災後の心理支援
震災後の心理支援:これまで、これから ―宮城県子ども総合センターの活動を中心に―
小野寺滋実 ……………… p24
抄録:東日本大震災における宮城県子どものこころのケアチームの活動を紹介した。宮城県沿岸部に多職種チームが巡回し,個別相談や講演会活動等を行った。半年間で約100名の方の新規相談を受けた。男女とも,退行,分離不安という主訴が多く,性差として男児では攻撃的言動,女児では恐怖,身体化症状が多かった。また,7歳のPTSDの女児に対して,R-TEPとストーリーテリングを組み合わせて行い,半年間でIES-R 74点から20点に改善した経過を報告した。さらに,仙台グリーフケア研究会の活動やジョイ・プロジェクトを紹介し,これからの支援のあり方を展望した。 EMDR研究,5 ; 24-29, 2013

キーワード: 東日本大震災,子どものこころのケア,R-TEP,ストーリーテリング,EMDR

Mental Support after the Earthquake Disaster:Until Now and from Now
—Focusing on the Work of Miyagi Comprehensive Children’s Center—

Shigemi Onodera*

I introduced the work of the Mental Care Team for Children of Miyagi Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The team consisting of multiple kinds of occupations went round the coastal area of Miyagi Prefecture and did individual consultations and gave lectures. Our team received about a hundred new consultations during the first half year. Regression and separation anxiety were the chief complaints in many of the boys and girls. Aggressive attitudes were seen in many of the boys, whereas many girls showed fear and somatization. I reported a case of a 7 year-old girl suffering from PTSD whom I treated by R-TEP and story-telling, and her IES-R scores changed from 74 to 20 in a half year. Also, I introduced the activity of the Sendai Grief Care Society and the Joy Project, and had an outlook over the ideal method of supporting the suffered children.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 5 ; 24-29, 2013

Key words:the Great East Japan Earthquake, mental care for children, R-TEP, story-telling, EMDR

*Miyagi Comprehensive Children’s Center. 2-1-4 Mitazono, Natori, Miyagi, 981-1217 Japan.

震災後の子どもに対する心理支援 ―教師と支援者のための電子メール相談とキャンプを通して―
小林正幸 ……………… p30
2011年には2回の夏のキャンプで160名の子どもと100名を超えるボランティアが参加して行われた。2012年3月に行われた40名のフォローアップキャンプでは,睡眠の問題を抱えた10名の子どものうち6名がキャンプの結果,問題が解決していることが示された。2012年には心のケアのためのキャンプを5回行った。EMDR研究,5 ; 30-36, 2013


Psychological Supports for Children after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake in 2011: Through Consultations for Teachers and School Counselors by Email
and Psychological Aid Camp for Children

Masayuki Kobayashi*

After the earthquake, Tsunami and the explosion of Fukushima nuclear plants on March 11th in 2011, I organized two teams to support teachers and counselors who can work for children’s mental health care.
One team created and maintained a website system for teachers and school counselors who were taking care of the affected children by the triple disasters. The system was consisted of(1)e-mail consulting for teachers and counselors,(2)articles about mental health care, well-being, theories on resiliency and resiliency building methods for children,(3)collection of 50 website links including 10,000 pages for theories and methods of mental health care.
The other team was to prepare a psychological aid camp for children, called “Green Camp for Well-Being”, focused on the mental health care for the affected children in Fukushima. The purpose of this camp was to psychologically intervene in the affected children and to develop some prevention methods for PTSD and school maladaptation in this particular disastrous situation. It was also a good opportunity for volunteers to learn how to deal with children’s mental health issues.
We were able to provide two camps in summer and 160 children and over 100 volunteers in total participated in the camps in 2011. According to the collected follow-up data of 40 children in March, 2012, 6 out of 10 children who had had sleeping problem after the disasters recovered from it as a result of these camps. We conducted 5 psychological aid camps in total in 2012.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 5 ; 30-36, 2013

Key words:child, mental health, camp, e-mail consultation, teacher, disaster

* Tokyo Gakugei University. 4-1-1, Nukuikitamachi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, 184-8501 Japan

「吃音恐怖」のクライエントにEMDRを適用した事例 ―「発症以後のトラウマ」という観点から ―
原田憲明 ……………… p37
EMDR研究,5 ; 37-47, 2013

キーワード: 吃音症,吃音恐怖,発症寄与因としてのトラウマ,発症以後のトラウマ,三分岐のプロトコル

EMDR for Stuttering Phobia
—From the Viewpoint of Post-onset Trauma as Target—

Noriaki Harada*

EMDR was applied to a male client in his 30’s whose main complaint was stuttering. Upon application of EMDR, his stuttering was formulated as stuttering phobia. No pre-onset trauma was found in his history.
From the viewpoint of post-onset trauma, traumatic memories such as past events related to stuttering after onset, current stimuli, and future template were targeted and reprocessed carefully using the three-pronged protocol of EMDR. As the result, although the client’s stuttering remained slightly, his anticipatory anxiety, rumination over stuttering, situational avoidance and negative self-evaluation improved markedly.
By taking the viewpoint of post-onset trauma as target, it is hoped that the range of clinical application of EMDR will be widened Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 5 ; 37-47, 2013

Key words:stuttering, stuttering phobia, pre-onset trauma, post-onset trauma, three pronged protocol

* Higa Mental Clinic/Keyaki Counseling Room. 1-305 Takahana-cho, Oomiya-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, 330─0803 Japan.

編集規定/執筆要領 ……………… p48
投稿票 ……………… p51
日本EMDR学会設立の経緯/入会のお誘い ……………… p52
日本EMDR学会会則 ……………… p57
編集後記 ……………… p60
