EMDR研究 第2巻 第1号 2010年5月
市井雅哉 ……………… p3
白川美也子 ……………… p13
大河原美以* ……………… p27
本事例の治療経過を通して,自身のトラウマ治療を主訴として来談するわけではない事例における初回面接での治療的文脈の構成の仕方,及び,EMDRにジェノグラムを利用する視点,EMDRを関係性の改善に応用する視点を考察した。それにより,個のトラウマが家族内コミュニケーションに与える影響を明らかにした。 EMDR研究,2 ; 27-38, 2010
Integration of family therapy and EMDR
—How to apply to improve family relationship—
Mii Ohkawara*
This paper aims to show how to use EMDR in order to improve family relationship.
The therapeutic process of the case of a girl who has a tendency to steal is discussed in this paper. In a larger context, case the problem of this is family dysfunctions. This girl had been abused by her mother and there were conflicts between parents. As child’s problem has the function to the family system as SOS signal, it is necessary to improve the family relationship to solve the problem. In order to improve the family relationship, EMDR was used to change mother’s family projection process and to treat the past forgotten traumatic memory, after understanding the problem from the aspect of the family system function.
Through the therapeutic process of this case, it is discussed how to construct the therapeutic context in the first session of the client who has not aimed at trauma treatment, how to use genograms in EMDR session, and how to apply EMDR to improve family relationship.
So, the influence an individual trauma had on family communications by was clarified.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 2 ; 27-38, 2010
Key words:family therapy, family projection process, genograms, child abuse, EMDR
* Tokyo Gakugei University Department of Educational Psychology. 4-1-1, Nukuikitamachi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, 184-8501 Japan.
小林正幸*1,早川惠子*2 ……………… p39
12月末から3月末までの3カ月間に,スクールカウンセラーの面接に加えて,EMDRの2回,RDIの2回の合計4回の面接を行った。最初にEMDRの2回の面接で不登校行動の形成要因となったいくつかのトラウマティックな体験について脱感作と再処理を行った後に,RDIを用いてイメージ脱感作を行った。その結果,4月以降,登校が順調になり,社会恐怖もうつ症状も改善した。不登校事例でのEMDRとRDIの適応可能性について論議された。 EMDR研究,2 ; 39-50, 2010
The effectiveness of EMDR and RDI to a 5th grade boy with non-attendant at school
Masayuki Kobayashi*1, Keiko Hayakawa*2
This paper reported the effectiveness of EMDR and RDI to a 5th grade elementary school boy who was non-attendant at school. This boy could not go to school smoothly and social phobic and depressive symptoms became significant from May. In September, he could not attend his classroom at all. Although, from September to December, school counselor helped him and his mother at counseling room at his school and tried to treat him by desensitization in vivo, this treatment was not so effective.
From December to March, 4 sessions which consisted of two EMDR sessions and two RDI sessions were added to counseling sessions by school counselor. After traumatic experiments were treated by EMDR which targeted at cause factors related to non-attendance at school, the fear of classmates and teachers was treated by RDI as imagery desensitization. As the results of these sessions, he became to be able to attend his classroom perfectly and social phobic and depressive symptoms were relieved. The applicability of EMDR and RDI to people being non-attendant at school case was discussed.
Japanese Journal of EMDR Research & Practice, 2 ; 39-50, 2010
Key words:non-attendant at school, EMDR, RDI, desensitization, pupil
*1 Tokyo Gakugei University. 4-1-1, Nukui kita-machi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, 184-8501 Japan.
*2 Atomi Junior and Senior High School.